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Thoughts & Inspiration

We were at Samaritan’s purse these past two weeks, tearing down moldy houses, taking nails out of walls, and making houses ready for dry wall. I am not a “handy woman” or someone who likes getting mud all over themselves, but God goes with those He sends. I am so thankful we got to go help with the flood relief. My Samaritan’s purse leaders taught me what I needed to know about tearing the houses apart, and I never stopped working because I thought a place was too gross. We had some salvation stories which were amazing to see, but I wanted to focus more on the work God was doing inside those already saved. One of the coolest things I saw God do was use us to encourage the volunteers already there. Many of the volunteers at Samaritan’s purse are retired, and they said that when they saw us they had hope for the next generation. They were excited because they saw young people following God. I have been wrestling with the thought that I’m not doing enough, but God just calls us to Himself. We just get to rest in Him, His love, and His plan because people are moved when they see others act in His truth. His truth is that He loves us. We just get to act in this love to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

5 responses to “Samaritan’s Purse”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! What an amazing experience you are having, and will continue to have, as you serve in Jesus’ name around the world!

  2. “We just get to rest in Him, His love, and His plan because people are moved when they see others act in His truth. “What wisdom and truth
    We are praying for you and the team, enjoyed seeing you at debrief
    Stephen and Teri Jernigan

  3. Bailey,
    Thanks for sharing how God is using you to offer God’s “light” to those who may not know Him! It will be amazing the things you learn and experience in the months that you are serving the Lord on the mission field. Papa and I continue to pray for you and your team, for safety, for unity, and for the opportunity to share Christ with all those you meet. Love you.

  4. Never undervalue encouragement. People all around you in tough situations like SP want to quit. A single encouraging word can make all the difference in someone’s life when everything around them is falling. We are called to walk with other and be the example in Phil 3:17. And, we are the aroma of Christ among those being save and those perishing – 2 Cor 2:15. You’re right, acting in truth as the hands and feet of the Lord moves people closer to understanding His love.

  5. Wow, what an encouragement you and your squad were to the other workers. The Lord sends you where you will be encouraged and where you, too, bring encouragement. That’s what the body of Christ does for one another. You showed up, and that was enough. Be blessed. Praying for you.

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Bailey Baumgaertner

This blog for Bailey Baumgaertner is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.